Special Celebrity Events


The Organ Appeal

After four years of fundraising we reached our target in 2016, the organ restoration has been completed and funds have also been raised to purchase and repair the unique Harrison & Harrison console from Manchester Cathedral which will remain in the nave to support the liturgy and be available for concerts.

The Abbey Restoration

It is inevitable that time and the elements will adversely affect the fabric of a building as old as the Abbey. A maintenance and repair programme will always be required. Our biggest challenge is that, with no endowment to fall back on, finance for each new project has to come from dedicated fundraising.


Completed projects

Our biggest challenge is that, with no endowment to fall back on, finance for each new project has to come from dedicated fundraising.

Completed projects

© Selby Abbey Trust / Design and Build Graphic Design Partnership

Chairman of Trustees

Paul Simpson

Vice Chairman

 John Engelhart



The Bishop of Selby

The Reverend Canon John Weetman                         Vicar of Selby Abbey

David Caulfield            North Yorkshire County Council

Angela Crossland        North Yorkshire County Council

David Barstow

Grace Pullan

Fraser Stewart

Dr. Martin Clarke

Jennifer Cooke

Tom Pilcher

Rachel Benson

High Steward of Selby Abbey

David Sherriff             Architect ___________________